Attention: NFA engravings (SBR, Form 1 & Form 4) are currently by appointment only. Please call to schedule. - 702.201.1822

2021-07-08 14:11 | by Developer Team

Meet Brian Lack, owner of LV Laser Engraving

Who is this guy?!
LV Laser Engraving | Meet Brian Lack, owner of LV Laser Engraving Cover Image

Hi! My name is Brian Lack, and I make cool shit for cool people.

Specifically, here at LV Laser Engraving, we use laser to cut designs into firearms parts. In this post, I want share with you how this project came to exist, where I came from, and just what we can do to take your guns from cool to kick-ass.

I’ve been around guns my whole life—I’ve been shooting paintballs and firearms since I was just a kid—but I didn’t really catch the bug until around ten years ago, when I inherited my grandfather’s old service revolver. That piece became the first of more than I care to count or admit.

I didn’t start out knowing that this was going to become my passion. I have history in IT, computer networking, web programming and graphic design. But when I learned that laser engraving used similar graphics files I was already familiar with, I decided to try it as a hobby, putting custom designs on my own guns and doing some for friends on the side. Once I got into it, this turned into something way bigger. I found my passion here, putting together awesome project after awesome project.

If you’re interested and you just want to know what we’re capable of making for you, check out our Facebook page at and take a look at our pictures. We may be new to the scene, but our designs are still some of the best in the business. We’d be happy to  build you something badass that’ll turn heads at the range and make you proud to own.  

We also do NFA engravings for all SBR (short barreled rifles), Suppressors, F/A or any other nation firearms act items.  Call us @ 702.201.1822 or come by our shop to discuss your project today!

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Visit Our Office

6985 W Sahara Ave #104, Las Vegas, NV 89117, USA


Hours of Operation

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 10am – 6pm

Wednesday: 10am – 6pm

Thursday: 10am – 6pm

Friday: 10am – 6pm

Saturday: 10am – 4pm

Sunday: Closed