Attention: NFA engravings (SBR, Form 1 & Form 4) are currently by appointment only. Please call to schedule. - 702.201.1822
Storm Area 51 Announcement! We have been contracted by the The XENQUDS (original space rebels) to provide identification dog tags for STORM AREA 51. No harm will be done to you by any Xenquds species if you’re wearing 1 of their official DOG TAGs. The KRIERKRAKS will be traveling 5,986,759,800 miles at the speed of light to ensure & enforce such security measures. By wearing the approved XENQUDS DOG TAG you will be guaranteed that no XENQUDS or KRIERKRAKS will threaten your safety (the same cannot be said for any US GOVERNMENT or any authorized security enforcement company at the event). XENQUDS understand that your curiosity might get the best of you that day, this is why they prefer DOG TAGS in case you do happen to see one of their members in captivity. They will be able to identify you by name. GET YOURS TODAY! Only a limited supply is available! The KRIERKRAKS are not sending their full army that day because they are trying to save their planet from a female monkey that was launched in 1970 using a X-1 Panther rocket and has now been demanding UNIVERSAL DOMINATION. Visit our website to get yours today!